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OCR: EvenMore Work:Utilities/Viewers/EvenMore/Docs/6days.doc Line: 1-59/204(28%) Page: 1 Zoom: 100% 6 days and why it matters (Chris Perver - chris.planb@dnet.co.uk) There are many Christians today that believe in evolution. Who wouldn't? After all, from an early age our children are indoctrinated through h school, and books, and television, to believe that dinosaurs died out millions of years ago. Ask any four year old and they will happily explain to you how we came from monkeys. In this age of technology we think we have all the answers. Or so our scientists tell us, and we believe them, I guess that's what the scientists told us when they believed the world was flat. But compared to God we know next door to NOTHING, Job 5:13 says, 'He taketh the wise in their own craftiness'. Many Christians have absolutely to problem believing God took billions of years many Christians believing God evolution, themselves have stopped believing it! "Why it that when man says one thing, and God says another, man is exalted for his and God when the even after the scientists MEN snientists ignored? th!!" theory.c out decades will When genesis acconse have been out man's always God's unchaning Word edited? is it again impose these great theories and ideas on Genesis, like what if the days were millions of years?", and what if there is a gap between such-and-such a verse and.. You get the picture. Yet what they fail to realize is that God's Word is for all to understand. Why would God write a book that only scientists could read? atego profi changing the ten or the big bang ng which 2Cor 11:3 says, But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eye through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ Even a child, can understand, from the plainest reading of Scripture, that God created the heavens and earth in only 6 ordinary days. Yet even a scientist, who has knowledge far beyond that of the child, fails to understand it because of its simplicity. When a progressive creationișt gets to heaven, he will probably ask the Creator, "How many days did you take to create the world?". God would ask. I know what it says', he would argue, but is never?;}¯mean?”. It means what it says', would be God's mirthful answer. So here are some of the problems theistic evolutionists and progressive greationsts will encounter if they believe the gap theory, or the days of Genesis were long periods of time, etc... (Sometimes I speak from the view point of theistic evolutionists and progressive creationists). o Denying, first of all the literal meaning of the text. The word day Hebrew is 'yom', and when followed by a number and evening and morn Search always means a normal 24 hour day. There is not a professor of Hebre thcal String leading university in the world which believes the author of Genesis to convey to the reader that God took more than 6 ordinary days in c the world. sa dà o Accepting death before Adam's sin. Which makes God a liar when He to Adam, for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely Next no problems Word Last 12:53.12 Saturday, 31-Oct-98 Pattern Case sensitive Occurance Cancel